Provides information about the parts of Medicare, what's new and how to find Medicare plans, facilities or providers.
National Alliance for Caregiving
A coalition of national organizations focused on family caregiving issues.
National Family Caregivers Association
Information and education for family caregivers; includes the Caregiver Community Action Network, a volunteer support network in over 40 states.
The National Clearinghouse for Long-term Care Information
Information and tools to plan for future long-term care needs.
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It’s national blueberry month and it’s our mission to highlight some of the benefits that come with a healthy dose of fruit, or more specifically, blueberries. There is no right or wrong way to eat fruit, it contains a natural sugar and depending on the type of fruit, it can boost fiber and potassium while reducing high blood pressure. It contains loads of vitamins and minerals that are essential to healthy living. High Nutrients and Low Calories One serving of blueberries (1 cup) contains 4 grams of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese. There are various other nutrients that these fruits provide but the most noticeable ones are listed above. One serving only contains 84 calories which makes it an excellent source of nutrients. A little fact that isn’t well known is the cause of aging; our DNA becomes damaged every day. Because blueberries are an antioxidant they can slow down or even stop the DNA damaging process all together. This can lead to lifelong benefits from being p...
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