How do you get your loved one with Alzheimer’s to shower? read more of my answers to questions on

How do you get your loved one with Alzheimer’s to shower? K Mustafa, Alzheimer Caregiver Updated just now Most people with dementia at some point will refuse to bathe because they do not want to remove their clothes and are afraid of the water. This can make it very hard to keep them clean. You must be creative in order to get them to bathe and keep them healthy. Consult your doctor to discuss medications that can help with behavior issues. When you want them to do something you cannot ask a lot of questions or make a lot of statements you have to be brief and make it simple for them to understand. You must always treat them with respect and try your best to communicate with them which is very difficult when they reach the end stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Here are some tips if the person with dementia refuses to take a shower: Make Sure the bathroom is warm • Try a sponge bath when they use the bathroom. Have a bath cloth and towel ready for a quick shower or bath. • Keep on hand no raise soaps and hand sanitizer and hand wipes for a quick clean up • Depending on the person you may have to find ways to coach them to get them into the bathroom. • Try taking them a bath before bed or early in the morning. If they are willing to take a bath early then do so.


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